Sometimes you need to reflect on yourself, your life. You get stuck in your work or your relationship or your family situation, you have too little energy, you would like a different job or want to get more out of your life. Then it may be necessary to bring in someone to help you because you cannot completely figure it out yourself. That is an exciting step, I realize that. That is why I briefly indicate below what you can expect in the 3 phases that I will go through with you, in order to be able to remove questions and uncertainty from you. The 3 phases we will go through are; phase 1: is the introduction and intake, phase 2: the sessions and in phase 3: we evaluate and look ahead.
Phase 1 You read my website because you want to change something in your life and want to be helped. You let me call or email you (or you call or email me) to arrange a free, no-obligation introductory session. During the introductory session I will tell you who I am, what I stand for and what you can expect. You tell me what your situation is like at the moment, what concerns you or what you have encountered and what you want to get started with: what should the coaching process yield for you? Then I explain how I work and what I can do for you.
Phase 2 We will start with the coaching process. This usually consists of 6 to 8 conversations. The conversations take place in one of my practice rooms spread across the country, or during a walk in nature. There is always an interval of one, two or more weeks between the interviews, depending on the process. The periods between the interviews are often somewhat longer at the end of the process. You will make a report of each conversation and send it to me for the next conversation. In addition, you will always work with specific work points that suit you. In between, we will evaluate whether we are still on the right track.
Phase 3 During the last sessions, we look back and look to the future. In most cases, one coaching program is enough to get on with your life. Sometimes a follow-up question arises from a process and then it is of course possible to start a new process. Below you can get an impression of the methods I use.
Part of the unhealthy tension and stress people experience is caused by the way they look at the events that occur. People do not just perceive events neutrally, but constantly judge them on basis of their own, often irrational, thoughts. Those often unconscious thoughts determine the feeling and behavior that follows. I am going to help you learn how to direct your ideas and thoughts in such a way that you prevent unwanted feelings or behavior, without distorting the reality. That way you will experience less tension and stress and you will be more effective in your behavior.
Everyone deserves to be the person she or he wants to be. You want to get everything out of life. But sometimes things are not easy and you can suffer from negative self-images. Humanistic psychology solves this by positivizing. We will start with your own strength. You are a unique person just like everyone else. I offer you full attention and support. You are going to accept yourself first; learning self-affirmation is fundamental to this. That is to say: learn to love yourself the way you are; don't want to be different than you are. Do not deny your strengths and weaknesses, but recognize and acknowledge them. Being allowed to be who you are, without always having a disapproving voice that talks you down. How can you achieve such a positive attitude towards yourself? By daring to look at yourself as you are; by seeing your good sides and being able to appreciate that of yourself. By not being angry or sad because of aspects that you do not easily accept in yourself. See what is already there, without judgment, without guilt: life has brought you this, accept who you are now, right now, and build on the foundation that is already there. Also look at the foundation that is already there. There is often already more than you think. Recognize that you often focus more on things that are not there yet, or that you would like to be different. Be aware of that. And then focus on the positive aspects!