
I am well aware that many people, especially when they need help and guidance towards a change in their lives, can find themselves in a financially difficult position. Perhaps you are 'in between jobs', a student, you receive benefits or you are a (starting) entrepreneur and you have a hard time because of Covid-19. My goal is to provide qualitative help to as many people as possible - the widest possible audience - regardless of the financial situation. Often the rates are 100, 125 or sometimes 150 euros per session. In my view, financial resources should never be a barrier to growth.

That is why the introductory meeting is free and without obligation.

Nevertheless, you have to invest in yourself if you want to take serious steps.

For every conversation / session (45 minutes) after your free introductory meeting you pay € 75.00, including 21% VAT.

Coaching package of 4 conversations

290,00, including 21% VAT.

Coaching package of 8 conversations

550,00, including 21% VAT.

Coaching package of 10 conversations

700,00, including 21% VAT.

As a private individual, you can submit the costs of a sequence of sessions (a process) as 'specific medical costs' if you want to work on your recovery, for example.

Are you employed? Then there is often the possibility that your employer will reimburse the training. In this case, it often concerns coaching in the context of career development, developing or strengthening skills or preventing absenteeism. You can also submit your trajectory as 'study costs' if there is a learning trajectory to promote your knowledge and skills that you can use in your work. There is a 'threshold amount' of € 250.00. You can read more about this on the website of the Tax Authorities.

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Companies / Organizations

The introductory meeting is free and without obligation. For every business session after your introductory meeting you pay € 95.00 excluding 21% VAT. Naturally, this rate includes brief sparring by phone or email if you get stuck and consultation with third parties (only with permission!). If your employer wants to use a 3-meeting, evaluations or tips to support your growth and development together with you and make it more sustainable, these will be included in the tailor-made quotation. If coaching is part of your career or career, or if you have the option to declare coaching through your work, a quote will be drawn up. The tailor-made quotation is in coordination with you and your step-by-step plan. Is coaching part of your job and do you use a personal development budget without a quotation? Then you will receive the invoice by e-mail after your session.

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ZZP´er / Entrepreneur

The introductory meeting is free and without obligation. For each session after your introductory meeting you pay € 95.00 excluding 21% VAT. The costs for coaching are fully deductible by reporting them as operating costs. Coaching thus serves a business advantage as a 'learning trajectory' to improve yourself in the company and thus has a direct link with you and your position in the labor market. There is a threshold amount of € 250.00. The website of the tax authorities can inform you about this. ** Would you like to receive the tips from the session by email? Which can. For this you pay € 15.00 for 15 minutes of indirect time (including 21% VAT for private individuals, freelancers and entrepreneurs and excluding 21% VAT for organizations). Why would you choose your unique tips in the mail? So that your session can be an experience, enough happens in your experiences and emotions during a consultation. And so that in your full life you can keep busy with your steps and the process in between the session. Practice shows that repeatedly reading back the mail optimizes the anchoring of the change so that you can more easily include the experienced in daily life. As a result, your insights in your unique strategies grow, the focus is not only on the one hour and you use the essence of your steps to achieve the desired situation. It supports the sustainability of the result, even after the process.

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